Be treated as an individual
Be fully informed about the recruitment process
Ask questions and receive true and objective answers from Recruitment Counselors and chapter members
Be treated with respect
Be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized
Ask how and why and receive straight answers
Have and express opinions about Recruitment Counselors
Have confidentiality when sharing information with Recruitment Counselors
Make informed choices without undue pressure from others
Be fully informed about binding agreements implicit in the acceptance card signing
Make one's choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the results of that decision
Have a positive, safe, and enriching recruitment and pledging experience
POtential New Member Bill of Rights

Panhellenic policies
According to National Panhellenic Council, "hazing is defined as any action or situation which recklessly, intentionally or
unintentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of
a student, or creates risk of injury, or causes discomfort, embarrassment,
harassment or ridicule, or which willfully destroys or removes public or private property." Under Panhellenic Council guidelines, hazing is strictly prohibited. There is no tolerance for any sorority on our campus who hazes its members.
Any individual who identifies as a woman is eligible to participate in the University of Illinois’s Panhellenic Formal Recruitment process, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability status, or any other protected identity. See individual chapters’ guidelines for further information.
Positive Panhellenic Contact
Positive Panhellenic Contact is the designated time before and during Formal Recruitment where there should be unbiased communication between active chapter members and potential new members. During this time, active chapter members should be encouraging PNMs to go through Formal Recruitment, but should not be bid promising, telling PNMs they should be a good fit for their chapter, or actively seeking personal information about a PNM.
How to maximize your recruitment experience
Use your Recruitment Counselors as a sounding board for your questions and fears.
Call your Recruitment Counselors
whenever, for whatever reason.
Ask your Recruitment Counselors about their Recruitment experiences.
Listen to your Recruitment Counselors. They have good information.
Get to know the women in your Recruitment group.
Ask chapter members questions about their scholarships, chapter dues, philanthropy, why they decided to join a sorority, what opportunities their sorority has given them, etc.
Take good notes on the chapters you visit.
Utilize the Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment phone application.
Consider all options and have an open mind!
TIPS for recruitment
MAKING notes
how to decide which chapter is right for you
After you visit each chapter, jot down some notes on your phone or a small notepad about your experience there, how you felt, who you met, and what you talked about. This will help you remember which chapter is which. Here are some questions to keep in mind while making your notes: ​
What did I like about this chapter?
Can I see myself living at this house and getting along with these women? Why or why not?
What do I remember most about this chapter?
Is there anything I didn't like about this chapter?
Letters of Recommendation
A letter of recommendation is a brief overview of a prospective member to a specific chapter. An alumna of a chapter represented on the University of Illinois' campus can write a letter of recommendation for any prospective member. The alumna will give a brief description of the prospective member and will explain why that woman would be an asset to the chapter.
Is it needed?
A letter of recommendation is not required by Panhellenic to participate in recruitment. However, a letter of recommendation can only help a prospective member. Each individual chapter has its own requirements for letters of recommendation. You can try and find an alumna to write a letter of recommendation for you, but if you can not find one, do not stress. There are plenty of women who participate in Recruitment who do not have letters of recommendation and still have a great recruitment experience.
Where do we get the letter of recommendation?
The alumnae member writing the letters should know that their chapter forms are available through their National Offices, in their National magazines, and even on their websites. The alumnae members are only able to get the forms, so let them know, if they do not know already, where the forms are available.
How do i get in contact with an alumna to have her write me a letter of recommendation?
The easiest way to contact a woman to write you a letter is to start asking around among your friends and family. Chances are, there is someone in your community that would love to write you a recommendation letter. Ask your neighbors; ask your friends' mothers; ask your mother's friends; ask your pets; and ask your teachers at school. If they are not members of a sorority they may be able to put you in contact with someone who is. Newtworking is the easiest way to come in contact with an alumna of a chapter.
Where do i send the letter of recommendation?
Please do not send letters of recommendation to the Panhellenic Office! The letters should be sent to the chapter by the alumnae who are writing them for you.